
It’s the Muslims Who Suffer


There’s a sombre mood in Paris at the moment, where it’s a time to reflect on the deliberate and calculated murders that occurred there on Friday night. We won’t know the full death toll for a while as there are many people who are critically injured, so the eventual number of the dead is guaranteed to rise. It’s an awful situation that has seen reactions from around the world, with most countries showing their solidarity by flying the French flag in tribute and defiance. The ‘Islamic State’ has claimed responsibility for the blatant attacks on innocent concert goers, restaurant patrons and those just out for a good time at the football.

Are any of us who have been watching the unfolding events really surprised that these Islamic extremists have finally struck at the western world? This has been their agenda all along, to strike at the godless heathens in the west. They planned these attacks with care and precision, so their cause would be spread across the world, and the consequence is that the violence has landed in our backyard. Suddenly, the Death Cult has re-entered our minds, with politicians promising action and re-examining the role of their part in stopping any further carnage, but is it all just a little too late? Up until now, the war in Syria has been acceptable in our minds. People have lost their lives on a daily basis in Syria for years, been tortured and raped, and so far it has been acceptable because it hasn’t happened to us. People have been forced to flee their homes with their families, across the seas to face hostile countries who refuse to take them in on compassionate grounds, and it has been acceptable.

How has the situation changed? Short answer is that hasn’t, except for the location of the attacks nothing has changed. We still have the same evil to fight, the same people are controlling those who are blinded enough to accept this extremist view of the Muslim religion, but they have perverted it beyond recognition for their own purposes. The war in Syria will go on, people will continue to be killed and have to flee their homes, but this latest development has suddenly forced the issue of terrorist acts being committed in Europe to the forefront of everyone’s mind. I wonder, now that the latest victims of the Islamic State’s attacks are mostly white Parisians, will that force the west to consider that these radicals aren’t going to leave, or give up their cause, and we will at some point have to deal with them?

While you’re praying for the 129 (so far) people who died on Friday through no fault of their own except that they were enjoying an evening out, will you pray for the many Muslims who have died as well? Will you understand that this is what they have been facing for years? The Muslim faith is being perverted, and the west believes that every Muslim is at heart a desperate criminal who will stop at nothing to help the Death Cult and kill every westerner they can. There are calls for even more rules in regards to refugee status, because there was the discovery of one of the terrorists having that status, and travelling all the way across the ocean just to die at his own hand for glory and martyrdom. What are the chances of a refugee from war torn lands just happens to be a radicalised Muslim? Probably about the same as a Christian who travels to Jerusalem in the Middle Ages and murders those who have a different faith, and do it all in the name of God.

There are so many issues that we must face in regards to the atrocities that are happening around the world, and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I can recognise the fears that are controlling the reluctance to help our fellow man by taking in the refugees from Syria and its surrounding regions, and the reluctance to accept our part in a world that has just woken up to the fact that tragedies can happen anywhere. Europe now has to realise that they may be facing a situation in which the victims are their own countrymen and women. Western leaders have stood by, content with watching the horrors committed by extremist groups because they don’t consider this to be a world-wide problem, and that in itself becomes a problem when millions of people need our help to survive. All the refugees want to do is build a new life in a completely foreign country, and have the opportunity to practice their own customs, but it’s a daunting prospect when our views about them have been tainted with Christian based propaganda. This has been spouted by those who don’t seem to understand that the vast majority of Muslims are shocked and bewildered at the behaviour of these radicalised groups who are using religion for their own ends.  This is not just a problem restricted to Syria, this a global problem, and we must have compassion and respect. When human beings in another part of the world suffer, then it trickles through across the globe and we all suffer in one way or another.

I’d like to take a moment to remember the lives lost of every human being who has suffered at the hands of the terrorists.